
Mind Body Heart

As I travel my own path of health and wellness I have come to live, learn, experience and be challenged by the energy I want to, to enable me to live my life to the fullest.  I have been down the pathway of tracking a size, a number on a set of scales, training harder, longer, and faster, doing more and more, eating less and less and the end result – exhaustion.  It just doesn’t work – for me anyway.

What pathways have you followed? And where have they led you? I trust they have been empowering and moved you towards the outcomes you want only if they haven’t perhaps it’s time, your time, to explore something different.

My Mind is where my strength actually exists and I believe it is for you also.  For so long I simply allowed it to play havoc and run wild with thoughts that have been disempowering and that eventually wore me down. The Mind Body connection is where my, and I believe your, greatest power exists. When you also add the connection of your Heart (you may call it spirit or soul) to the mix then you create a powerhouse that is based on your thinking creating a life and an energy that lights you up, that you are passionate about. You can create a different energy, founded and based on the fundamentals of what you as a human choose to value most, what you believe to be true about it, who you want to be to achieve it and what you’re prepared to actually do consistently.

The movement of the human body is embedded in emotion and motion, moving in any direction, creates emotion.  Far too many people rely on an emotion to get them and to keep them moving only that the irony is that the emotion comes after the movement.  Your mind is the most powerful resource you have to get up and move each day, nourish each day and be still each day.  Your emotions will always aim to speak louder and so you must also silence the Mind and take action.

My lived experience of the physical movement involved in training the body is that it is actually an amazing tool that can be used to train the Mind.  If you choose to challenge your thinking around what physical movement is and what it brings to you then change is possible.  When you train your mind, your thinking, you are absolutely capable of anything.  Train your mind and it will train your body. Training comes in so many forms and does not have to be in a gym.  Any form of activity where you can connect your Mind Body Heart is powerful.  Absolutely no point heading to the gym, smashing out session after session and hating it, it just does nothing for your Heart.  Walking, running, riding, dancing, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates, golf, surfing, paddle boarding, rowing – there are so many options.

I believe we are all Heart space humans who, generally speaking, and for the most part, live in our Head, where our Ego runs wild. Ego allows little if any space for true connection, getting to know who you really are, who you can be, who you want to be and what you truly want.  Get out of your head and into your heart.

Find out more about how you can create the connection and live with more energy.    Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligation session

About the author: Danielle Bryant is a passionate, energetic and inspirational leader, mentor and coach. Combining her professional and personal experience with her passion for all things health and wellness, she is sought-after for her expertise and experience. As an accomplished professional and personal development mentor and coach, facilitator & speaker Danielle brings an energized authentic approach to health and wellness.

My invitation to Choose Energy

Let’s talk about Energy.

Who wants more of it? What if you could create more energy? What will it bring to you and give to you and those around you if you had more of it? Can you imagine the difference in the way you could experience life if you had more of it?

I know for me that when my energy is low, which it was for a large portion of 2018, I’m not the most loving person to be around.  At first life got super challenging and given that life is itself a challenge and can be an amazing adventure, it then definitely shifted from challenge to just hard. Daily movement and nourishing food choices have always been a big part of my life only they were not solving the problem, in fact to some degree the more I actually moved / trained my body the worse it got.

Yes, stress is real, the stress that is unconsciously permeating your life is real for you, only I’ve come to learn and believe that it is predominantly self created and it’s our perception of stress that is the killer. It can be debilitating and it permeates every area of life and I invite you to get Real with it and begin to choose Energy over stress.  Great news is that if you have created it then you can absolutely resolve it.  Yes you CAN by changing your thinking.

The challenge is real and I believe success lies in the not doing, in pausing to breathe and be still, to utilise your greatest power which is your thinking, your Mindset, to connect your Mind Body and Heart to what you truly want, what’s working and what’s simply not.  When you choose energy one of the keys is to connect the dots that energy is not as simple as an exercise and food program – I believe it is a thinking game and that game is playing out constantly in your Mind.

When you find yourself experiencing low energy do you find yourself asking questions like how can I eat better, move more, drink more, buy something or do something to fix it?  I’ve been there and tried almost all of it only to discover that the real question to ask is - how can I BE more?  The exploration of who you are and who you want to be can be life changing.

Go ahead and pause now and ask yourself...

What do I want?
What do I really want?
How can I receive and achieve that in a powerful, sustainable and resourceful way?
If I received that how would that make me feel and what difference could that make to my life? to those around me?
What Fear does that bring up in me?
Who will I need to choose to BE to show up each day to that challenge?

The challenge is within you and you’ve absolutely got this.

You can choose to explore and challenge anything and everything you currently do and decide to try something different in the pursuit of what matters most to you.  My invitation is to choose Energy as a measure of your Health and Wellness.

Want to find out more about how you can choose to create more energy and live an energized extraordinary life?  Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligation session

About the author: Danielle Bryant is a passionate, energetic and inspirational leader, mentor and coach. Combining her professional and personal experience with her passion for all things health and wellness, she is sought-after for her expertise and experience. As an accomplished professional and personal development mentor and coach, facilitator & speaker Danielle brings an energized authentic approach to health and wellness.

The Trouble with Goal Setting

Are you a Goal setting kind of person or not so much? Have you given goal setting a go and never really got it or achieved what you wanted so you decided that Goal setting really wasn’t for you? It must be something that other people do and that’s cool.

At this time of year you could still be all wrapped up in the New Year’s resolutions you made as you take action on those things you promised yourself you would do ‘’every day’’ to create that new eating habit, new body movement routine, new financial situation, new relationship and the list goes on. I’m half guessing the new year’s resolutions are all forgotten – tried it once, twice, ok maybe three times and it didn’t feel quite right so you gave it away.

So as I invite and encourage you to consider or re-consider Goal Setting and not New Year’s resolutions - beware that the achievement of anything you want that is different to what you have today is not always going to feel great. In fact the greatest experiences are those that initially do not feel great at all as it means you’re learning and growing and expanding your comfort zone. It is not going to be a once, twice, ok maybe three times and you’ve nailed it kind of thing. It’s a Commitment – and I deliberately wrote it in capitals because it’s a big word. It’s likely to require different thinking.
The trouble with Goal Setting is that it is a BIG thing – it’s your Life and that is big because you’re worth of amazing things. You’re in charge of that amazing life and yes, you can choose to dream big and then go ahead and create the life you want. Goal Setting is a powerful way to take the invisible dream and make it visible. To take an idea and document a plan to action to create small and consistent progressive change toward what you want. And so you document your idea, create a plan and now you’re good to go – take action – right?

The key to it all is to answer the question – are you interested or committed to your outcomes. Are your Goals aligned with what truly matters most to you and do you know what that even is? Will you do only what convenient at a convenient time for you OR will you do whatever it takes to achieve the outcomes that you want? Will you get up early and stay up late. Will you hold onto your story to stay safe or will you let go of your story, your excuses, your reasons why you can’t achieve what you want and each day figure out how you CAN achieve what you want. The difference exists in all the reasons why you can’t vs. all the reason why you CAN. It’s as simple and as complex as the ‘’t’’ on the end.

I’m totally with you – that Commitment word is a big one and yes it can be scary. The truth is that we are all scared. Our Fears are in fact universal and we can often repeat the conversation with ourselves each day that we are not enough, will not be loved and will not belong. The key to success is to feel that fear and go ahead and do it anyway. The doing bit is a plan, a detailed plan of action with a timeline attached to it. Hold yourself accountable to a given date and work backwards from that date, small steps each day towards the outcome. Action steps, written down, that must be taken right now and each day that moves you further toward the outcomes.

What do you need to learn and who from? What do you need to believe to be true in order to achieve your Goal? You cannot achieve what you do not believe is possible. What do you need to DO – that’s your action plan – there is absolutely no substitute for Action. Nothing happens unless and until you do something – consistently, daily, weekly and monthly. Action taken towards your dreams. There is no room for stories and circumstance, excuses that hold you back. How will you choose to show up each day and who will you choose to BE.

It’s a Commitment – no matter what. It’s an Attitude. It’s a Mindset and an absolute resolve that you will do whatever it takes. Make the Commitment for YOU and to YOU and create the outcomes you truly desire.

Want to find out more about how you can set goals and achieve them in pursuit of more energy and live an energized extraordinary life?  Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligation session

About the author: Danielle Bryant is a passionate, energetic and inspirational leader, mentor and coach. Combining her professional and personal experience with her passion for all things health and wellness, she is sought-after for her expertise and experience. As an accomplished professional and personal development mentor and coach, facilitator & speaker Danielle brings an energized authentic approach to health and wellness.

The Real Challenge Is

It’s that time of year when we’re bombarded with the 21 day, 6 week, 8 week, 12 week, you name it “Challenge”.  Anything from reset, reshape to transform to kick start your health and that new body you’ve always dreamed of.  How many challenges have you signed up to, completed, got the results you wanted, transformed and reset your life and health?  Are you exhausted from always being on a challenge or thinking about the next one you should sign up for, never having completed any of the previous ones you signed up to or seen them through all the way to the end.

There is no doubt that a challenge exists only the real challenge is this thing we call life and how you choose to show up each day and create your own sustainable Health and Wellness. You can choose to see life for all that it is, an amazing playing ground for exploration, learning, highs and lows, gifts and gratitude.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good challenge.  A challenge that takes you on an adventure of exploration and learning with a clear vision and focus can be powerful beyond measure, only most people do not do the work involved to truly commit to the outcome they’re looking for.  The creation and documentation of a clear Goal is absolutely the key as is the alignment of that Goal to what truly matters most to you.  You will need to commit to achieving the outcome.  Being interested is not going to get you there.  More on Goals in my next BLOG – stay tuned or connect with me and I can send it directly to your inbox.

Back to the challenge point – the challenge is real only the solution does not exist in signing up to another challenge.  Let’s get real.  The challenge is within you.  The amazing news is that because it’s within you then you are in control and have influence over how to achieve whatever you want.  You have all the resourcefulness you need right now.

The challenge is in the exploration and learning of what truly matters to you and any challenge you take on must be aligned to this or you just simply will not follow through with it.  It’s in the purpose for which you truly want what the challenge has to offer – if it’s your health and wellness then that has to truly matter to you and you’ll have to commit, to do whatever it takes and not just be interested and do what’s convenient and at a convenient time.

Small steps taken consistently toward a clearly defined and committed Goal is a far more successful way of nailing a challenge and the biggest playing ground is life itself. It’s in the daily practice of fundamentals that mastery is pursued.  It’s the building blocks of small sustainable change.  The consistent movement to stir your emotion that drives you to create new habits that in turn can be life changing.

So either commit to the challenge or get off the cycle of the next challenge.

Want to find out more about how you can truly commit or get off the challenge cycle and create more energy?  Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligation session.

 About the author: Danielle Bryant is a passionate, energetic and inspirational leader, mentor and coach. Combining her professional and personal experience with her passion for all things health and wellness, she is sought-after for her expertise and experience. As an accomplished professional and personal development mentor and coach, facilitator & speaker Danielle brings an energized authentic approach to health and wellness.